Photo by Miguel u00c1. Padriu00f1u00e1n on

A prison or jail inmate in Massachusetts can have his sentence reduced significantly by participating in state-approved programs and activities during his incarceration.

According to M.G.L. c. 127, Section 129D, an inmate’s sentence will be reduced if he completes any of the following:

  • an educational program,
  • a vocational training program,
  • a work-release program,
  • a prison industry program,
  • any other rehabilitation program deemed valuable by the superintendent of corrections.

State prisoners can receive a sentence reduction up to 7.5 days for each program they complete but cannot receive more than a 15-day reduction per month.

Inmates at a jail or house of correction can get up to 5 days reduced from their sentence for each program but they cannot receive more than a 10-day reduction per month.

Such deductions are added to any deductions the prisoner receives pursuant to M.G.L. c. 127, Section 129C which, in part, states,

For the satisfactory conduct of a prisoner confined in a prison camp, the commissioner may grant…[a] deduction of sentence of not more than two and one half days for each month while confined in a prison camp.

However, an inmate’s deductions cannot exceed 35% of the imposed maximum term or aggregate maximum term of his sentence.